Full-color RGB light with adjustable saturation gives you creative freedom
With a staggering 36000 color options to choose from, you'll be able to experiment to get the right look for your images. Set the intensity you want for even more options.
Use with app or remote or 4 convenient preset modes
Apply the 4 pre-programmed modes with your phone or camera to instantly take showstopping images or videos. Easily connect to the app or the remote for full creative control over your work.
Built-in Type C rechargeable 4000mAh lithium battery lasts 2.5 hours
This gives you the opportunity to take plenty of photos before recharging. Save time by using the light while it's charging too.
IP67 waterproof to safely shoot in the rain
Capture thunderstorms, seascapes or other creative scenes without worrying about your device getting damaged by water.